You have the option to lock the bike without ending the ride outside VAIMOO stations but still staying within the service area, using the "Pause" function. Using the Pause function allows you to park the bike temporarily, but while using it the rental charge timer is NOT suspended and continues to accrue the cost according to the rate plan.

To pause a rental in progress:

  • During a rental, within the App, tap the "Pause" icon;
  • After sending the “pause” command:
    • In the case of a bicycle with an electro-mechanical lock, all the LEDs on the vehicle flash yellow to indicate the possibility of closing the lock manually;
    • In the case of a bicycle equipped with an engine block, the engine block is applied automatically. No manual action necessary.
  • Do not lock the phone and also follow the instructions shown in the App to start the rental break;
  • Upon completion of the above operations, you will hear a sound that confirms that the closing was successful and:
    • The LEDs on the vehicle are red;
    • The App shows you that the "Pause" function is active with the rental charge timer which continues to accrue the cost according to the tariff plan.

To resume paused rental of a VAIMOO vehicle:

  • Tap within the App, the "Resume" icon;
  • Do not lock your phone to ensure that the lock opens properly. Also follow the instructions displayed in the App to resume the rental;
  • Wait for the lock to unlock automatically.
  • The App shows you that you have correctly unlocked the vehicle and you will see the map with the current rental duration.


"I can't pause a rental".

  • Make sure there is an active and working internet connection on your smartphone
  • Make sure you are in one of the areas where you can drive

Or contact VAIMOO support directly from the app:

  1. From the side menu click on "Report";
  2. Click on "Vehicle."
  3. Select the item corresponding to the correct issue;
  4. Enter the requested information in the displayed tab;
  5. Submit the report by pressing "Submit."
  6. The report will be taken care of by a VAIMOO Support Operator who will get back to you as soon as possible.

"I can't resume a rental after pausing the vehicle."

  • Make sure there is an active and working internet connection on your smartphone
  • Make sure you are in one of the areas where you can drive

Or contact VAIMOO support directly from the application:

  1. From the side menu click on "Reports";
  2. Click on "Vehicle."
  3. Select the item corresponding to the correct issue;
  4. Enter the required information in the displayed tab;
  5. Submit the report by pressing "Submit."
  6. The report will be taken care of by a VAIMOO Support Operator who will get back to you as soon as possible.