Pursuant to articles 1341-1342 of the Italian Civil Code and to articles 33-34-35-36 of the Italian Consumer Code (d.lgs. 206/2005), User hereby declares to have read and understood, and therefore expressly consents to articles 4.1.3 (User's liability for any actions performed through the use of his/her account), 4.3.2 (inability to terminate the account before the expiration of the subscription period), 4.4 (Account suspension and deletion), 4.5.2 (when Provided may restrict or deny access to the App to the User), 5.1 (User's Obligations), 5.1.5 (“Pause” mode and charging fees), 5.1.6 (penalty for parking the Vehicles in private and/or inaccessible areas), 5.1.7 (penalty for violation of User's Obligations), 5.1.12 (penalty for Vandalism carried out by the User), 5.1.14 (penalty for failure to return the Vehicle within 24 hours from the start of the rental), 6.1.2 (charging fees and non-fractionability), 6.7.2 (Provider's right to terminate for convenience), 7 (Limitation of Provider's liability), Section 8 (Amendments to this Agreement), 11 (Insurance Coverage), and 12 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction).
Terms Negotiated Separately Print
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