To use the VAIMOO service you must:

  • Purchase a subscription (BikePass) with immediate activation;
  • Pay the cost of each rental, resulting from the addition of the following factors
    • Vehicle category: electric bike, traditional bike;
    • Time of use of the VAIMOO vehicle, calculated in fractions of half an hour.

Different types of BikePasses are available and rates according to the Service Area and the type of vehicle used.


BikePass 12 months: €24.50; 

BikePass 30 days: 8,80€;

BikePass 7 days: 4.80€;

BikePass 24 hours: 1.80€.

Remember to always check the price plan for each subscription/BikePass, which will vary depending on the category of VAIMOO vehicle you decide to use. The cost of the rate plan will be charged at the end of each rental. 


Traditional bicycle: 

First half-hour rate: €0.00; 

Second half-hour rate: 0.45€; 

Third half-hourly rate: 0.45€; 

Fourth half-hourly rate: 0,45€; 

Fifth half-hourly rate: 0,45€; 

Sixth half-hourly rate: 0,45€.

Rate for each hour after the sixth half-hour: 2,80€. 

Electric bicycle: 

First half-hourly rate: 0.50€; 

Second half-hourly rate: 0.45€; 

Third half-hourly rate: 0.45€; 

Fourth half-hourly rate: 0,90€; 

Fifth half-hourly rate: 0,90€; 

Sixth half-hourly rate: 1,40€; 

Fare for each hour after the sixth half-hour: 2,80€;


BikePass 12 months: 24.50€;

BikePass 30 days: 8,80€;

BikePass 7 days: 4,80€;

BikePass 24 hours: 1.80€.

Remember to always check the price plan for each subscription/BikePass, which will vary depending on which category of VAIMOO vehicle you decide to use. The cost of the rate plan will be charged at the end of each rental period.


Only electric bicycles are provided in Molfetta - Giovinazzo. 

Electric bicycle: 

First half-hourly rate: 0.50€;

Second half-hourly rate: 0.45€;

Third half-hourly rate: 0.45€;

Fourth half-hourly rate: 0,90€;

Fifth half-hourly rate: 0,90€;

Sixth half-hourly rate: 1,40€;

Rate for each hour after the sixth half-hour: 2,80€.


If you hold an MTM ticket, you can obtain discounts on fares applied to bike sharing services and credit vouchers in free minutes. Below are the discounted fares according to the MTM ticket held.

MTM Title


Full Rate

% Discount

Discounted rate

Discount Voucher

Credit vouchers in free minutes

Annual Subscription


12 months

24,50 €

95,00 %

1,23 €

23,27 €

250,00 €

Monthly Subscription


30 days

8,80 €

95,00 %

0,44 €

8,36 €

35,00 €



7 days

4, 80 €

95,00 %

0,24 €

4,56 €

7,00 €

Simple ride


12 hours

1,80 €

95,00 %

0,09 €

1,71 €

2,50 €

Discounted fares are only accrued by entering the details of a valid MTM ticket. You will receive a discount (reduction in the price of the bike sharing service) of the fares on the annual, monthly, weekly, daily and free minutes subscription corresponding to the voucher credit.

The voucher, once activated, can be used until 30/06/2025. If this deadline is exceeded, the voucher will automatically expire and the residual value will be lost.


BikePass 12 months: 50.00€;

BikePass 30 days: 20.00€;

BikePass 7 days: 10,00€;

BikePass 24 hours: €2.00.

Remember to always check the rate plan for each subscription/BikePass, which will vary depending on which category of VAIMOO vehicle you decide to use. The cost of the rate plan will be charged at the end of each rental period.  


In the city of Asti, only electric bicycles will be provided. 

The e-bike sharing service will operate at a rate of €1.00 per half hour of use.


If you are a user of Asti Servici Pubblici S.p.a. (ASP), you can take advantage of the Vaimoo service with special rates. Specifically, there is a 95% discount on the subscription price for Asti LPT users and a voucher (credit that can be spent on shared vehicles for 30-minute pricing). To activate the facilitation, users must possess an ASP travel ticket to be shared on the Vaimoo App and follow the instructions explained in the App.

The credit voucher is issued to the user in free minutes, to be used for Vaimoo bike rentals.

TPL Title


Full Rate

% Discount

Discounted rate


Credit voucher

Credit vouchers in free minutes


Annual Subscription


BikePass 12 months

50,00 €

95,00 %

2,50 €

47,50 €

200,00 €





Monthly subscription


BikePass. 30 days

20,00 €

95,00 %

1,00 €

19,00 €

30,00 €




Multicourse/WeeklyBikePass 7 days10,00 €95,00 %0,50 €9,50 €8,00 €


Simple ride

BikePass 24 hours

2,00 €

95,00 %

0,10 €

1,90 €

4,00 €




The facility, once activated, can be activated and used until 30/06/2025.


BikePass 12 months: €24.50; 

BikePass 30 days: 8,80€;

BikePass 7 days: 4.80€;

BikePass 24 hours: 1.80€.

Remember to always check the price plan for each subscription/BikePass, which will vary depending on the category of VAIMOO vehicle you decide to use. The cost of the rate plan will be charged at the end of each rental.


Only electric bicycles are provided in Gravina - Altamura. 

Electric bicycle: 

First half-hourly rate: 0.50€;

Second half-hourly rate: 0.45€;

Third half-hourly rate: 0.45€;

Fourth half-hourly rate: 0,90€;

Fifth half-hourly rate: 0,90€;

Sixth half-hourly rate: 1,40€;

Rate for each hour after the sixth half-hour: 2,80€.


If you are a user of Ferrovie Appulo Lucane (FAL), you can take advantage of the Vaimoo service with special rates. To activate the facilitation, users must possess an FAL travel ticket to be shared on the Vaimoo App and follow the instructions explained in the App.

The credit voucher is issued to the user in free minutes, to be used for Vaimoo bike rentals.



Full Rate

% Discount

Discounted rate


Credit voucher

Credit vouchers in free minutes


Monthly/Weekly subscription


BikePass. 30 days

8,80 €

85,00 %

1,30 €

7,50 €

15,00 €





Simple ride

BikePass 24 hours

1,80 €

56,00 %

0,80 €

1,00 €

1,00 €




The facility, once activated, can be activated and used until 30/06/2025.